Rehearsal Files

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In this section CAS members will find all necessary information to participate fully in the Choral Art Society.
You will find all you need for rehearsals and performances, including schedules, pronunciation guides, translations, and mp3 files.
You will also find a roster and contact list, minutes of meetings, and other membership materials.

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2024 Masterworks, Fall Concerts, newer Opera Chorus materials just below, Beethoven 9th & earlier Opera Chorus materials further down the page.

Rehearsal, 09/02. Bernstein, Tonight

2024 Fall Concert, Masterworks, Opera Choruses, YouTube

Late in the game: Now that you (and I) have had the summer to learn some notes and make headway on memorization, here are some YouTube selections. Caution, they will differ in detail from our own scores and instructions, and obviously from our Kotzschmar Organ accompaniment, but they are still useful for practicing pieces a tempo and in full choral context.

Bell Chorus, from LA Opera Chorus,

Anvil Chorus, MET Opera,,vid:MdX3T_Kjcos,st:0

Oops, I put up a version with the wrong words. This one is better.

Brindisi, from Royal Ballet and Opera,, note our instructions at ltr H, m160.

Triumphal Scene, Aida, Verdi; Vienna, Sala d’Oro – 05 – Ars Cantus,

Porgy & Bess, Bruce Hubbard, It take a long pull to get there,

Porgy & Bess, Ain’t Necessarily So, Reggie Whitehead, Warsaw Opera,

Porgy & Bess, Lawd, I’m on my way ∙ Adina Aaron ∙ Musa Ngqungwana ∙ Cape Town Opera Chorus,

2024 Fall Concerts, Beethoven 9th & Opera Choruses, Masterworks

Rehearsal, 09/02. Beethoven 9

Rehearsal, 06/03. Beethoven 9

You do well to use either Choralia or Cyberbass for note learning. Below, segments from Chicago Symphony, CSO, under Riccardo Muti are interleaved with our learning practice, before and/or after our own work. You might want to switch back and forth between CSO segments and our own learning segments. Measure numbers listed below match Bob’s Kalmus score but differ for some people, so we might do well to pencil in consistent measure numbers.

Rehearsal, 06/03. Opera Choruses

Rehearsal, 06/03. Bernstein, Tonight, from YouTube

For “what it feels like in full context,” differs from our score, from online Supercut combining 1961 & 2021 film soundtracks, worth watching at

Rehearsal, 05/27. Bell Chorus

Rehearsal, 05/27. Wagner

Rehearsal, 05/27. Verdi Anvil Chorus

Rehearsal, 05/27. Verdi Brindisi

Rehearsal, 05/27. Verdi Triumphal Scene

Christmas at the Cathedral, December 2024

Rehearsal, 05/20

Rehearsal, 05/13

Rehearsal, 05/06

Rehearsal, 04/29, Jeff Mosher

Rehearsal, 04/22

Rehearsal, 04/08

Rehearsal, 04/01