ChoralArt Singers Auditions

Photograph by Richard Sawyer Photography

The next audition for ChoralArt Singers is scheduled for March 25, 2024.

Please contact the ChoralArt Manager Ann Dillon ( to schedule a time to audition and for the requirements for the upcoming audition.

Vaccination will be required. Please bring proof of vaccination to your audition.

 Sample Audition Content from a recent ChoralArt Singers audition:

  1. Sing a cappella the melody of the first verse of “America the Beautiful” (O beautiful for spacious skies…) in the key appropriate for your voice:
  • Soprano 1 in F (begin on c, octave above middle c)
  • Soprano 2 in E-flat (begin on b-flat above middle c)
  • Alto 1 in B-flat (begin on f above middle c)
  • Alto 2 in G (begin on d above middle c)
  • Tenor 1 in E (begin on B below middle c)
  • Tenor 2 in D (begin on A below middle c)
  • Bass 1 in B-flat (begin on F below middle c)
  • Bass 2 in F (begin on C below middle c)
  1. Sing your voice part (mm. 1-12) in Sweelinck’s “Gaude et laetare” a cappella. (Suggested tempo: half note = 60-72) A PDF copy is available here. You may elect (if you wish) to sing it in the key as printed (d minor) or (if you wish) in a lower key. You may prefer to order a print copy that is in b minor:
  2. Sing a scale to determine your range.
  3. Sing, as instructed, the top, middle or bottom pitch of a triad that is played on piano.
  4. I will play at the piano a melodic pattern of 4-6 pitches and ask you to sing back to me what you heard.
  5. Sing from a given pitch a major triad; the pitch may be either do-mi-sol. For example, if I play the note C and say that C is do, you will sing C-E-G. If I say that C is sol, you will sing F-A-C.
  6. Sight sing a tonal melody in a major or minor key.
  7. Singers who are new to ChoralArt – i.e., you have not sung an audition for me in the past – are invited, not required, to prepare a brief solo (a minute or two, or excerpt from a longer solo) of your choosing. A pianist, provided by ChoralArt, will accompany you, if you wish, or you may prefer to sing a cappella.


ChoralArt Singers is a mid-size chorus that sings a Christmas program annually in December (four performances) and often a second concert in the spring (recently J.S. Bach’s Mass in b minor). The ensemble also forms the nucleus of the ChoralArt Masterworks, which has sung annually with the PSO for the past three decades. A typical season begins after Labor Day and runs through Memorial Day. A rehearsal schedule is published well in advance.


• Members must attend at least 80% of regular rehearsals to sing the concert(s).
• Three tardy arrivals or early departures equal one absence.
• Attendance is mandatory at all final rehearsals.

A singer is expected to make a commitment to all concerts in the season. Absences for extenuating circumstances—your illness, an emergency in your family, or unanticipated job obligations—are completely understandable. An occasional absence from a concert because of travel with family is also OK. Absences for other reasons are viewed less kindly. Members may ask for an exception to the policy, which will be reviewed by the attendance committee. Consistency of attendance will be a factor considered at the time of the next reaudition.

Click on the hyperlink for the complete Singers’ schedule:
ChoralArt 2021-2022 Season – Our 50th Anniversary